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Janine M. Saxe Law Offices of Janine M. Saxe 4118 Leonard Drive, 2nd Floor Fairfax, VA 22030 e-mail: janinesaxe@janinesaxeattorney.com (703) 691-3201 (phone) (703) 691-1190 (fax) VSB: 23407 |
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Robert B. Machen 4326 K Evergreen Lane Annandale, VA 22003-3261 (703) 273-3511 (phone) (703) 273-3513 (fax) VSB:20287 |
To: The Honorable Attorney General John D. Ashcroft. The Honorable Governor Mark Warner. The Honorable Judges of Fairfax County, Virginia. The Honorable Senators, Congressmen, Legislators, Children's rights organizations. Fairfax County Supervisors, Church Groups, Family rights activists, Residents of Fairfax County and Virginia.
We need your help and support.
Two innocent little children (Sveta "5 Years" and Lisa "3 years") have been the tiniest victims of these two attorneys manipulations the last two and a half years.
Friends of Little Sveta and Lisa would like to bring awareness and help end this abuse by Mr. Robert B. Machen and Ms. Janine M. Saxe ( guardian ad litem for the children).
Ms. Janine Saxe and Mr. Robert Machen are wasting Tens of Thousands of tax payer dollars undermining fit parents, misleading and abusing our court system, setting one parent against the other, false reporting to courts, state and federal agencies, separating and abusing the Jagannathan family while profiting unethically from their actions.
This is unacceptable, and should not be tolerated here in the U.S or anywhere else in the world. Little Sveta and Lisa have been subjected to suffering and their young minds abused and manipulated by the destructive actions of Ms. Janine Saxe and Mr. Robert Machen.
We demand Ms. Saxe and Mr. Machen be removed from the lives of little Sveta and Lisa.
We demand Ms. Saxe and Mr. Machen be held accountable, brought to justice, and punished. We demand an independent investigation.
We request wide dissemination of this material. Thank you for signing this petition.
Three Judges appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, Honorable Judge Thomas D. Thorne, Judge Dickson L. Foster, Judge Robert K. Woltz had found by clear and convincing evidence that Mr. Machen engaged in conduct for personal advantage, involving deceit that reflects adversely on his fitness to practice law and found him guilty under DR1-102(A)(4) of code of professional responsibility.
The Organization - Citizen for Legal Reform reports Mr. Machen has engaged in conduct which tends to undermine the administration of justice and to bring legal businesses into disrepute;
A Lawyer shall not Falsify Evidence. Counsel or assist a witness to testify falsely;
We deplore Ms. Janine M. Saxe and Mr. Robert B. Machen's relentless two and a half year effort at undermining the children's interests, promoting separation, bitterness, acrimony and divorce between the parents by playing one side against the other, filing false documents with Federal and State Agencies including the FBI, Department of Justice, Child Protective Services, Police, The former Immigration and Naturalization Service. NOW THEREFORE,
BE IT RESOLVED that the rights of parent and children to have frequent and continuing contact is a fundamental, joint right of the parent and child with a basis in constitutional case law, which has held that the rights to raise, have access to, and care for one's own children are "more precious than property rights," are "essential"; and that the right to be with one's children is a" natural" right with a higher moral claim than any economic right.
BE IT RESOLVED that the U.S Supreme court has stated consistently as that of parental rights. Ie: In 1923 the Court asserted that the "liberty" protected by the Due Process Clause includes the right of parents to "establish a home and bring up children" and to "control the education of their own." Meyer v. Nebraska. 262 U.S 390, 399, 401, (1923). On June 5, 2000, the Supreme Court declared that
It cannot now be doubted that the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment protects the fundamental right of parents to make decisions concerning the care, custody, and control of their children. Troxel v. Granville ( 530 U.S 2000)
BE IT RESOLVED that Fundamental Constitutional rights are accorded a special status in judicial review. The Fourteenth Amendment prohibits the state from depriving any person of "life, liberty, or property, without due process of law."
BE IT RESOLVED that the actions of Ms. Janine Saxe and Mr. Robert Machen are a infringement of parental rights guaranteed under our constitution. Such acts of deprivation must occur only when there is a compelling state interest served by interfering with these rights and there is no more constitutionally benign way to achieve this compelling state interest.
BE IT RESOLVED that there has never been any evidence presented that, the retention of parental rights by both parents would compromise a compelling state interest.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that We assert and affirm our rights under the constitution to protect and defend our children from the likes of Janine M. Saxe and Robert B. Machen.
Thank you for taking the time to read and sign this petition.
Friends of Sveta and Lisa
Walter Johnson
Email: wjohnsonva@lycos.com