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Site InfoInfo about how this site was created.
TopicsTopics - Parents Rights, Child support, etc
Child AbuseMothers abuse children more than fathers.
Child SupportIts not about supporting children
FatherlessEffects of making children fatherless.
Hall Of ShameJudges, Attorneys, Parents, others using the courts to commit emotional child abuse.
JokesJokes about marriage, divorce, judges, attorneys
Legal Self HelpInformation for parents who don't have an attorney
Liam SmithPhotos and Information about Liam Smith
Audio ClipsAudio clips of Liam talking, reading, singing
BlogBlog about Liam and Wes spending time together. Unlike the photo section, this will hopefully be current.
MoviesMovies of Liam and for Liam's entertainment.
PhotosPhotos of Liam
Old Web SitesPrevious Web Sites about Liam
Liam's DadPhotos and Information about Wesley Smith
ContactContact Info For Liam's Dad
Court CasesCustody, Divorce Cases - motions, orders, info
Miss LiamI miss my little boy
PhotosPhotos taken by Wesley Smith
Cheri SmithWhy Cheri Smith is a Bad Mother.
AdulteryLiam is paying for his mothers selfish acts
Audio ClipsA bad mother in her own words
Igor BakhirOne of the people, Cheri Smith, has been sleeping with
Mental HealthMental Health Concerns about Cheri Smith.
Mental Health #2Mental Health Info - Bipolar, BPD, etc
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